
This locality is the most famous place of pilgrimage in the north-eastern Hungary. The local Greek-Catholic community had already in the 17th century a small church, which since 1675 hosted the icon of Virgin Mary, painted by István Papp, the younger brother of the priest. The settlement became nationally known in 1696. According to testimonies, the iconostasis of the "Ruthenian" church, the icon of the Virgin Mary wept, like a miracle, for several weeks. Following research, the Bishop of Agria Fenessy György confirmed the event, and Emperor Leopold I, after learning the news, ordered the transfer of the icon to Vienna, where it is kept today. But the icon has been copied, and the copy wept again, and the area became a place of pilgrimage. Today's church was founded by the Greek-Catholic bishop of Munkaci, Gheorghe Bizánczy in 1731, and the plans were developed by craftsman Nicodem Liczky from Kosice while Bishop Manuel Olsavszky served the Church. The building was completed and consecrated in 1756. South of the church, in 1749-1756 was built a Basilian monastery, arranged around a rectangular courtyard.

Furnishing the church took a long enough period. The plentiful decorated iconostasis was built in 1785-1788, the original icons were replaced but in 1896. The main altar of the apse was built in the 18th century, being together with the two side altars and pulpit beautiful Baroque achievements. The building of the new altar of the miraculous icon began in 1943. Before, the icon was placed above the royal door of the iconostasis, but for this kissing or touching it was difficult because of the great number of believers. To solve the problem, the altar from the secondary, northern ship was modified so that the icon placed on the altar was accessible through two doors and from the church yard.

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